Experienced Web Content Supervisor and Design & Development professional with expertise in web technologies and computer technology. Currently serving as a freelance web designer using content management systems such as Adobe Experience Manager, Joomla, and WordPress. Specializing in user interface design.

“Creativity is at the heart of what I do. Creating an inspired, fresh perspective on a subject to create excitement and engage the viewer is my goal. I always want to encourage interaction by creating a sense of depth that provokes curiosity."
Diana Rogers Sings Kirtan

Diana Rogers
Sings Kirtan

Marianne Denniston Interior Design and Vastu

Marianne Denniston
Interior Design and Vastu

Cottage Jewelry, Evanston, IL

Cottage Jewelers
Evanston, IL

Gail Russell Art & Apparel

Gail Russell Photographer
Art & Apparel

Jordan Sample Page
Derek Jeter Tribute Page